Kock-SchroederAusgewählte Komödien des Aristophanes, viertes Bändchen, Die Vögel, erklärt von Theodor Kock, vierte Auflage neue Bearbeitung von Otto Schroeder (Berlin 1927).
van Leeuwen J. F. van Leeuwen, Aristophanis Aves (Leiden 1902).
Merry W. W. Aristophanes. The Birds4 (Oxford 1904).
Rogers B. B. Rogers. The Birds of Aristophanes (London 1906; repr. 1930).
Sommerstein A. H. Sommerstein. The Comedies of Aristophanes, vol. 4, Birds (Warminster 1987).
ZanettoGli uccelli, a cura di Giuseppe Zanetto, introduzione e traduzione di Dario Del Corno (Milan 1987).
II. Editions of Aristophanes
Dover Clouds K. J. Dover, Aristophanes Clouds (Oxford 1968).
Dover Frogs K. J. Dover, Aristophanes Frogs (Oxford 1993).
Henderson Lysistrata J. Henderson, Aristophanes Lysistrata (Oxford 1987).
MacDowell Wasps D. M. MacDowell, Aristophanes Wasps (Oxford 1971).
Platnauer Peace M. Platnauer, Aristophanes Peace (Oxford 1964).
Sommerstein Knights A. H. Sommerstein, The Comedies of Aristophanes, vol. 2, Knights (Warminster 1981).
Sommerstein Birds A. H. Sommerstein, The Comedies of Aristophanes, vol. 6, Birds (Warminster 1987).
Ussher Ecclesiazusae R. G. Ussher, Aristophanes Ecclesiazusae (Oxford 1973).
III. Other works
Bieber History M. Bieber. The History of the Greek and Roman Theater (Princeton 1961).
Boardman ABFV J. Boardman, Athenian Black Figure Vases (London 1974).
Boardman ARFVArch J. Boardman, Athenian Red Figure Vases. The Archaic Period. A Handbook (London 1975).
Boardman ARFVClass J. Boardman, Athenian Red Figure Vases. The Classical Period. A Handbook (London 1989).
Burkert HNW. Burkert. Homo Necans. The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth, translated by P. Bing (Berkeley 1983).
Burkert GRW. Burkert. Greek Religion, translated by J. Raffan (Cambridge, MA 1985).